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AGs Remarks The opening of your Kick off Meeting to the Citizen Security and you may Justice Plan Financing

Today scratching an essential minute on the combat crime for the the Bahamas. Thanks Florencia, Michael and you will Robert. Robert is with us from the beginning and i also thank your for everyone from the contributions with lead to the success of that it opportunity.

I continue to repeat that the work to reform the criminal justice system is perhaps not business as usual. I believe installment loan agency Windsor CA it is important to highlight the tremendous progress made between 2012 and 2015.

All of our violent justice system appeared to have been in a hopeless state. A beneficial backlog of criminal instances got proliferated over the last a couple of ong anything else unsound court transcript creation, a lack of security council and also the failure in order to convene jurors during the a timely and efficient trends.

Because of it weakened criminal justice program, regular expands crime pricing suggested overwhelming pressure just like the case stream together with improved through the years.

When our criminal justice system does not function as it should, criminals expect that they will never be held accountable and it becomes harder for citizens to feel confident that criminals will be brought to justice and that their justice system works. Continue reading